A test roll I shot with the yashicamat on velvia(50 or 100?) a couple of years ago.
View from my study in my parents room.Dusk. 1/2 – 1 second exposure
Abandoned Fire Truck – Beer Sheva
Not All TruckGo To Heaven – between Beer Sheva and Meytar
Fire Truck Depo Gate – Beer Sheva
Big square slides turn me on.
They are a bitch to scan – Shai Yochai helped me with PS to curve and color balance the last three.
I got a couple of new photo books in the last month:
Shim’on Korbman – “Different Tel Aviv 1919-1936“(I have his print at my parents house) and “Israeli Portraits” by Vardi Kahana.
Both are great – each in its own way.