Taking into acount the recent demise of many film camera manufacturers I started to worry. So I did a little searchin’ on the internet .
The news are about 8mm film. If they still make it,and release new products,35 mm is ok. According to all the big 8 mm film sites there are 40 or so brands available(some are new some are about to be discontinued,some are new).
I dont think anyone makes new 8 mm film cameras since the sixties.
People will most likely sell and resell the classics and repair them for a long time yet. I am not sure about electronic cameras though,but I dont care for them much.
8mm is an awkward and unpractical technology – apparently it still has a strong following.
I am sorry if I annoy anyone with this thread(film is not dead is an annoying subject – but it worries me).
did you know AM radio is stereo now?that was a shock to me.