99 francs is a crappy movie.
Les invasions barbares is good.
leica m4
Rasta Vasiliy
светло и тихо(quiet light)
Сижу,пью special gunpowder слушаю Goldberg variations (на клависине) и мне легко и спокойно.
As I write this,I sit and listen to a harpsicord rendition of the Goldberg Variations,sipping special gunpowder and I feel light and content.
40 degrees centigrade
is not an excuse not to walk around town
купание красного коня(florentine str.)- It was so hot the men were pouring water on the machine so it’s motor wouldn’t combust.
I(barely)passed Macroeconomics.
Lena lands around 17:00.I am happy and very excited.
Sayat-Nova(The Color Of Pomegranates) should be mandatory to all that deal in visual subjects.
It is a monument of pure aestethic and tenderness.