Fixed the Minolta x-300! August 29, 2005 by admin today i fixed the minolta x-300!npow I have an slr I dont need!It will probably go to Anna for now.
help me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to Paris tomorrow and like a good photographer I put some new batteries in my minolta x-300 as that is the main reason im going to paris. I’ve never changed the batteries before and now its all screwed up with the shutter sticking and just generally wrong. It’s sunday, everywhere is shut and I’m leaving for paris in 12 hours!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
help me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m going to Paris tomorrow and like a good photographer I put some new batteries in my minolta x-300 as that is the main reason im going to paris.
I’ve never changed the batteries before and now its all screwed up with the shutter sticking and just generally wrong.
It’s sunday, everywhere is shut and I’m leaving for paris in 12 hours!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
please reply to me at