Yesterday while mixing ID-11 developer the mixing beaker slid out of my hands and spilled 3/4 of the liter I had.I dilluted it 1:1 and used it to get so so results.After sitting around and moping for a hour I remembered that I have a 3/4 liter of 3 years expired tetenal yoni gave me so I decided to give it a go on a non important film and oh boy!The results are fabulous!I developed 10 films in it (including 5 from barcelona)and sent it to scanning and I will presumably post them in my portfolio in a week or so.
Sent 19 films to scandevelop.11 color 8 BW.
Just wanted to share.
What price the moon?
In a startling admission, NASA chief Michael Griffin told USA Today’s editorial board that the manned space shuttle and International Space Station projects have been misguided for decades.
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