Today have been a day of laziness and indulging in doing nothing.
Watched Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Sacred Mountain.I dont take the right kind oif drugs to get it I guess.It is sick shit for the sake of being sick.And shitty.
Finished watching Dziga Vertov’s “Человек с киноаппаратом”.A great depiction of the “New” late twenties idealised Russia and its relentless pace while showing the human side and the work of the documentary maker in two layers(the cameraman is shot shooting his enviroment).I realy loved the way the camera is portrayed as an active partner in the making of the film.
Dziga Vertov claimed that the only cinema to be made in the Soviet Union is documentary and his documentary has artistic sides and not dry documentation as if to compensate.
Finished watching Chinese Box.Great movie.It’s hard to believe the same diector that made it and Smoke also made Maid In Manhattan.
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