Autocord does Tel Aviv

A tribute to Eliot Erwitt

Bald Manequin at a hairdressers.

Глядя на лошадиные морды и лица людей,
на безбрежный живой поток, поднятый моей волей и мчащийся
в никуда по багровой закатной степи, я часто думаю:
где я в этом потоке?

Чингиз Хан

Looking at the faces of men and horses,
The shoreless living river,created by my will and
speeding into nowhere across the crimson steppe,I often stop to think:
where is my place in this river?

Chingiz Khan(my translation from Russian,sorry if it sounds idiotic)

Thank you

Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze.
Hair: brown. Lips: scarlet.
Age: five thousand three hundred days.
Profession: none, or “starlet”

Where are you hiding, Dolores Haze?
Why are you hiding, darling?
(I Talk in a daze, I walk in a maze
I cannot get out, said the starling).

Where are you riding, Dolores Haze?
What make is the magic carpet?
Is a Cream Cougar the present craze?
And where are you parked, my car pet?

Vladimir V. Nabokov


Let me tell you a story…
Some time ago a couple of friends visited me. we drank some(LOTS) of wine and had fun. This resulted in two sets.
One of Vlad(daytime trix@1600 diafine), and one of Anastasia(night time tmax400@1600 tetenal). Both are happy with the results and want more.

the piercing eyes in the third just hit you like a sniper bullet.

I closed a deal on a CLA’d mamiya M645J,sekor 80/2.8,two inserts,non metering prism and grip for half it’s price. Even if I dont like it I can always resell it for this price.

Who wants to feed me until the end of the month?

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