new records!

King George V street


Lena got me:

John Cale – Artificial Intelligence(mint)
Pet Shop Boys – Behaviour(good)

at the Dizingoff flee market.

I found a store on Dizingoff 90(Off the Record).
Around 10,000 records,all very clean,reasonable prices.
I got:
David Bowie Low(good)
David Bowie Scary Monsters and super creeps(Mint)
Tom Waits – Rain Dogs(good)
Bob Dylan Greatest Hits Vol. II(double record)(very good)

total – 100nis20$.

They have a mint”Joy Division – Closer” for 90 NIS. I really want it.

Also got a Danish Journalism book circa 2000.Great BW pictures.
The text is in Danish but I dont mind since it was dirt cheap.

The nikon FE2 handles wonderfully,sits great in the hand and the automation doesn’t bother me.It handles just like the fm2n(which is very good).
I’ll have to see results before I feel comfortable to shoot stuff I care about though.

Tender,sometimes a song really pierces your heart

Life is riddled with tough choices

PJ Harvey-Memphis(Tribute to Jeff Buckley)
You breathing into my mouth
I’ll take it
I’ll take it for you

You wanna sing
Then sing it for me
You got something
Left to say

Untie me
We’re taking away
Out of time

When you still got
So much to say
I’ll write it
A song for you

But oh
What a way to go
So peaceful
You’re smiling

Oh what a way to go
I’m with you
I’m singing

You said
There’s a special place
And it’s scaring
The shit out of me

In Memphis
On Valentine’s day
You wrote it
In a letter to me

Well I wish I had given you more time
To say thank you
My beautiful friend

But sometimes you gotta send it away
To bring it
To bring it back again

You’ll always
Have open eyes
You’ll always
Have a special place

In Memphis
On Valentine’s day
Die suddenly
At a wonderful age
We’re ready
We’re ready to go
When you still got so much to say

Somehow I know
You drank and stole
Receiving just everything

But oh
What a way to go
So peaceful
You’re smiling


I think one of the main issues about my photography is memmory and how it works.
This picture shows how mine does.It’s not very loyal but it has lots of drawers.I wish I had all the keys.

This song really moves me.

Я сегодня вышел, ходил и падал, ходил и падал.
Я лежал и плакал о том, что мне ничего не надо.
Я бежал и думал о том, что плохо бежать по краю.
Только то и радует то, что я ничего не знаю.

Я упал, упал, упал…
Я устал, устал, устал…
Я бежал, спешил домой,
Там, где ты была со мной.

За окном светало, и темнело, и светлело.
То и дело падало что-то падало, то и дело.
Я закрыл окно, и вокруг меня ничего не стало.
Только солнце плыло и звенело и дрожало.

Никого напротив меня, напротив.
Только солнце против меня, напротив.
Я гляжу в огонь, он горит и светит.
Я лежу боюсь, что меня заметят.

Через годы-годы, через воды, через беды
Еду-еду у-у-у
Через беды-беды, через годы, через воды
АукцЫон – Падал

wake up you sleepyhead

АукцЫон в живую это весч. Даже новый матерьял неплохой,хотя конечно хотелось бы побольше старого. Интересно какова она книга Леонида Федорова(Мальчик как Мальчик).
Олега Гаркушу хочется взять к себе жить,кормить и гладить.

Еще я понял что пить Джонни Вокер из стеклянной бутылке из под боржоми забитой винной пробкой – пик гламура.

I didnt take a camera to the concert allthough the place is small and decently lit, I just enjoyed the music and a friendly shoulder that smelled of grapefruit.

these two seem to work together

in my head at least.

today I am going to see Auktyon among other things. Possibly do a little street shooting. Going to be a busy day.

I understood today that it is stupid to expect recognition of my photographic vision by all,when only a small group of people bears me as a person.That is a relief.I just need someone to remind that to me every time I start to get whiny.

to lazy to write a title

Been shooting quite a lot but developed none.patience.

Using the leica is inspiring.It has the best VFRF possible and is very intuitive -it is much more intuitive to me then an automatic SLR(which I cant get used to) for example. I also found that different focal lenghts work better(for me)in different cities. Tel Aviv is a very 28-35 city while Haifa seemed more of a 50 – possibly even a short tele.

I just listened to a digitally remastered Brian Ferry “Boys and Girls” album after listening to a bad shape record – the record sounds way better with the crackle and occasional click.I am surprised every time anew. The Rega Planar was my best purchase after the leica in the last couple of years.


these were taken almost a year ago,in Abu Gosh at sunset when we went to listen to Mateus Passion.

that what plays in my head lately

Miss madonna won’t you give me a kiss
One of your soft sweet lagrimas
Miss madonna won’t you give me a kiss
One of your soft sweet lagrimas
Oh miss madonna won’t you please give me a kiss
Give me one of those soft sweet lagrimas
‘Cause i felt your pain
When your baby was slain
And i tossed some roses to perfume his grave
Oh miss madonna won’t you let me underneath your halo
‘Cause it’s raining hard
Raining hard in this abyss
Miss madonna…
Oh miss madonna where you goin’ after work
In that preacher’s car
You know o won’t tell nobody
That you’ve been smoking cigars
I won’t tell nobody
Tell nobody
That you’ve been smoking cigars
Miss madonna…

La Maison De Mon Rêve

I watched the new Hairspray. The old one was funnier.

never develop film you arent familiar with sloppily

the girl with the cowboy hat stopped me half a mile down the street and asked the photo not to be printed in a newspaper(?)cause she doesnt want her parents to catch her smoking.

Or this is what you’ll get! Delta 400(6 years expired in tetenal ultrafin)

intresting fact:

МАЛЕНЬКИЙ ВЕНСКИЙ ВАЛЬС – Федерико Гарсиа ЛоркаTake This Waltz Leonard Cohen

Десять девушек едут Веной.
Плачет смерть на груди гуляки,
Есть там лес голубиных чучел
и заря в антикварном мраке.
Есть там залы, где сотни окон
и за ними деревьев купы…
О, возьми этот вальс,
этот вальс, закусивший губы.

Now in Vienna there are ten pretty women.
There’s a shoulder where death comes to cry.
There’s a lobby with nine hundred windows.
There’s a tree where the doves go to die.
There’s a piece that was torn from the morning,
and it hangs in the Gallery of Frost —
Ay, ay ay ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz,
take this waltz with the clamp on its jaws.

Этот вальс, этот вальс,
полный смерти, мольбы и вина,
где шелками играет волна.

Я люблю, я люблю, я люблю,
я люблю тебя там, на луне,
и с увядшею книгой в окне,
и в укромном гнезде маргаритки,
и в том танце, что снится улитке…
Так порадуй теплом
этот вальс с перебитым крылом.

I want you, I want you, I want you
on a chair with a dead magazine.
In the cave at the tip of the lily,
in some hallway where love’s never been.
On a bed where the moon has been sweating,
in a cry filled with footsteps and sand —
Ay, ay ay ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz,
take its broken waist in your hand.

Есть три зеркала в венском зале,
где губам твоим вторят дали.
Смерть играет на клавесине
и танцующих красит синим
и на слезы наводит глянец.
А над городом – тени пьяниц…
О, возьми этот вальс,
на руках умирающий танец.

There’s a concert hall in Vienna
where your mouth had a thousand reviews.
There’s a bar where the boys have stopped talking,
they’ve been sentenced to death by the blues.
Ah, but who is it climbs to your picture
with a garland of freshly cut tears?
Ay, ay ay ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz,
take this waltz, it’s been dying for years.

Я люблю, я люблю, мое чудо,
я люблю тебя вечно и всюду,
и на крыше, где детство мне снится,
и когда ты поднимешь ресницы,
а за ними, в серебряной стуже, –
старой Венгрии звезды пастушьи
и ягнята и лилии льда…
О, возьми этот вальс,
этот вальс “Я люблю навсегда”.

There’s an attic where children are playing,
where I’ve got to lie down with you soon,
in a dream of Hungarian lanterns,
in the mist of some sweet afternoon.
And I’ll see what you’ve chained to your sorrow,
all your sheep and your lilies of snow —
Ay, ay ay ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
with its “I’ll never forget you, you know!”

Я с тобой танцевать буду в Вене
в карнавальном наряде реки,
в домино из воды и тени.
Как темны мои тростники!..
А потом прощальною данью
я оставлю эхо дыханья
в фотографиях и флюгерах,
поцелуи сложу перед дверью –
и волнам твоей поступи вверю
ленты вальса, скрипку и прах.

And I’ll dance with you in Vienna,
I’ll be wearing a river’s disguise.
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder
my mouth on the dew of your thighs.
And I’ll bury my soul in a scrapbook,
with the photographs there and the moss.
And I’ll yield to the flood of your beauty,
my cheap violin and my cross.
And you’ll carry me down on your dancing
to the pools that you lift on your wrist —
O my love, O my love
Take this waltz, take this waltz,
it’s yours now. It’s all that there is.

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