these two seem to work together

in my head at least.

today I am going to see Auktyon among other things. Possibly do a little street shooting. Going to be a busy day.

I understood today that it is stupid to expect recognition of my photographic vision by all,when only a small group of people bears me as a person.That is a relief.I just need someone to remind that to me every time I start to get whiny.

2 thoughts on “these two seem to work together

  1. I hear you Michael about what the “purpose” or direction or whatever it is that you are going with your photography/photoblog as I go thru this feeling often. I’m like you in that I know I won’t make money off my photography or know that not a lot of people like my “style”. I only get a handful of visitors a day and I’ve been posting a photos for almost 3 years now. The thing that motivates me is that I enjoy taking photographs and having it online makes me go out and take photos. That’s why I go out with my camera every day, it’s for me and if someone else enjoys what I do then it’s another plus. Photography is a necessary adventure in my life and that’s what keeps me going, not the amount of visitors or comments on my blog. Hope that helps.

  2. I find you absolutely delicious, like an umlaut… You really come close to a bucket of Bakinian fresh-squeezed chkhurmta.

    Yours truly,

    Mary Poppins

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