Total Recall

Susia,South Israel

сегодня поговорил с “девочкой Таней с соседского двора”.
я не видел ее где то 20 лет. Она нашла меня. Я не записан в одноклассникахфейсбуке.
Живет в Барселоне.

вообше то я не люблю думать о прошлом(и помню его плохо,а часто как бы в дымке)
потому что я так сильно отличаюсь от того человека которим был 10,5,2 года назад что
это совершенно не нужно,а сейчас вспомнил какие груши росли у нее в саду и как мы плевались несъедобным диким виноградом росшим на площадке и как она звала меня под окном что бы показать мне малюсенького ежонка завернутого в лист.


“Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; – vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow – sorrow for the lost Lenore –
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore –
Nameless here for evermore.”

from the raven by Edgar A. Poe

I pased the (contract law) is microeconomics.

Lena is leaving on a jet plane

for ten days to Moscow tonight. I am a bit sad.

I missed the focus cause it was pitch black,bounced flash with back reflector.

UPS are gargantual bags of foul douche,with hidden obscure charges.I will NEVER use them again.

I got 81% in Corporotive Behaviour(79% final).Buhahahha!

Macro-economics, here I come!

Two more pics from same (tipsy )night in Lima Lima

Sand castles

I read five books while in the army.
I saw a bunch of 12-14 hasidic boys try enter Nablus at 24:00 by
foot with no parental supervision.
I saw a beautiful flower field a civilian can’t access.I had to wear a 16 pound
ceramic body armor and drive a jeep with 1600 pounds of steel sheets on it.
I saw illegal settlers and how they live. I saw how palestinians live.
I saw the aftermath of a mixed secret serviceIDF action.
I saw an armored ambulance beaten to shit with boulders,small arms and molotov coctails.
I got stoned and drunk with a paramedic on duty.
All of this is nothing compared to what combat troops do.

RED! Iwo Jima! Водка!

Tonight Lena returns!

I watched Letters from Iwo Jima.Wonderful movie.Much better then Private Rayan and Flags of our fathers.

В пятницу был у друзей и ВДРУГ Лёня вытащил бутылку Голда!
Все долго фыркали, но бутылка исчезла очень быстро,и заметьте, во благо.
Потом захотелось еще и кто то сгонял в ларёк и купил (непалённой) Финляндий
которая исчезла медленней и в ее конце Марина сказала “Да.Голд был лучше”.
Не зажирайтесь,дамы и господа.


“Although he continued to paint, Modigliani’s health was deteriorating rapidly, and his alcohol-induced blackouts became more frequent.

In 1920, after not hearing from him for several days, his downstairs neighbor checked on the family and found Modigliani in bed delirious and holding onto Hébuterne who was nearly nine months pregnant. They summoned a doctor, but little could be done because Modigliani was dying of the then-incurable disease tubercular meningitis.

Modigliani died on January 24, 1920. There was an enormous funeral, attended by many from the artistic communities in Montmartre and Montparnasse.

Hébuterne was taken to her parents’ home, where, inconsolable, she threw herself out of a fifth-floor window two days after Modigliani’s death, killing herself and her unborn child. Modigliani was interred in Père Lachaise Cemetery. Hébuterne was buried at the Cimetière de Bagneux near Paris, and it was not until 1930 that her embittered family allowed her body to be moved to rest beside Modigliani.

Modigliani died penniless and destitute—managing only one solo exhibition in his life and giving his work away in exchange for meals in restaurants. Since his death his reputation has soared. Nine novels, a play, a documentary and three feature films have been devoted to his life.”



Quoting myself is good taste so:

“it is a good idea to go
to a museum
young hungry art students

Almost a haiku.I said it to a friend during a conversation.It looked poetic.

Today is free admission day to most of Tel Avivs museums – they stay open till 23:00!!!

Daliyat El-Karmel

Is a Druz village up north. It is very touristy,mostly because of cheap trinket shops and (once) cheap restaraunts. The food is delicious,especially the knafe.

It appears that I am an elephant with a fatter then average trunk.

I’ve seen a mercedes gelandewagen on the road a couple of days ago. It costs between 1.2-1.8 million NIS.The average Israeli annual salary is 87.5 thousand NIS before tax,which is roughly third,most Israelis get paid less(and a few much,much more),especially women. That is poor taste.

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