fevered patriotism

These were taken a couple of days before independence day.
Most Israelis start competing in how patriotic they are weeks before.
But in everyday life they compete in bashing Israel and bitching how much they want to move to the US or Canada.

A missile shot from Gaza hit a mall in Ashquelon yesdterday.There was massive damage and a ton of wounded.

grain extravaganza

One of films I botched with my first try to use HC-110(dillution H).

I developed in a stainless steel tank for the first time.I managed to bend the film a bit but overall I see how loading 120 film into a SS reel is easier then (old)plastic.The fact the one I have takes a while to fill I think I will use diafine with it(since trix@1600 and neopan across@200 look wonderfull in it in med format anyway).

I need to retake the microeconomics test.
I got a new(2008 pressing) Jeff Buckley grace vynil,and old Yehuda Poliker and Smiths(the Queen is dead).

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