fevered patriotism

These were taken a couple of days before independence day.
Most Israelis start competing in how patriotic they are weeks before.
But in everyday life they compete in bashing Israel and bitching how much they want to move to the US or Canada.

A missile shot from Gaza hit a mall in Ashquelon yesdterday.There was massive damage and a ton of wounded.


I gave the mamiya to a girl for a test drive,I doubt she’s serious enough,a classic example of modern photography student(knows little,total reliance on instructor)/ I got three calls about it since.

Panda Labs are God.
I checked test prints for a color 6X4.5 neg(to 45X60cm) enlargement(optical).It looks fantastic!

I checked a 30×40 cm print they made for me(was drying at the moment)from 35mm trix 400@1600(nikkor 50/1.4 wide open).Wow.

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