I dream in Pano

Yesterday I took a walk with Lazar(from RFFD-Spot) and I shot two rolls of film with
his horizont(205?).

This is a pro quality tool designed especially to take pictures of my fingers.

It is an interesting tool for street photograpy.
It is very handholdable,it’s distorsion is usefull and it is very handholdable.

The bad side is – the build quality is low,assembly is sloppy and it is overpriced.
I would like to try finding a metal seventies one.

Due to our student strike(they protest the goverment’s blatant disregard of the
conclusion reached by a GOVERMENT apointed commity to reform higher education and raise
tuition).They protest all over the country including our neck of the woods(which is an important
university town).Shot a couple of heated arguments with the yashicamat.

first developed film from the canon

and fourth shot.Two bw in fridge(I don’t have neg sleeves) and one slide sent of today.

shot today,fuji proplus II iso 100,guess exposures(1/250 f11 sun,f4 shadow). I can say I am pleased.
The filter doesn’t vignette and focus seems right(but I didn’t shoot wide open).
I am more then happy about the flare resistance.
What I don’t like – the lens is to damn light – the camera tilts back on it’s strap.

watched “Tideland”. I didn’t like it.Feels like it is meant to shock with no additional value.


(“I dont need you to”)

“Caroline says
as she gets up off the floor
Why is it that you beat me
it isn’t any fun

Caroline says
as she makes up her eyes
You ought to learn more about yourself
think more than just I

But she’s not afraid to die
all her friends call her “Alaska”
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her

What is in her mind
what is in her mind

Caroline says
as she gets up from the floor
You can hit me all you want to
but I don’t love you anymore

Caroline says
while biting her lip
Life is meant to be more than this
and this is a bum trip

But she’s not afraid to die
all her friends call her “Alaska”
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her

What is in her mind
what is in her mind

She put her fist through the window pane
It was such a funny feeling

It’s so cold in Alaska
it’s so cold in Alaska
It’s so cold in Alaska”

Lou Reed


here are some urban shots from the pepsi can.

Watched 300 – nice movie.I’ve seen enough man groin to last me a life time. I was not aware there are some many men with washboard abs in the world. I wonder what the gay community has to say about it.

Went to a Spa with Anna.Now I am serene and calm and loose as a noodle for about 5 hours.

Toy camera

I got this(wanted to try Holga the cheap way):

35mm,one shutter speed,one apperture – ocassional orange filter(held in front).
shot these:

reminds me of the hanging of Mussolini and Clara Petacci

Mystery Cowboy(Abstract inspired by david lynch)

Nightmare Fan

Been to Jerusalem.
Seen Alex Levac work.He used a leica m6.Very impressive and blends in the crowd perfectly.

Used the canon 7 and 35/2.8 and the yashicamat.Both are great street tools.

Some from home

“Fashion is so ugly we change it every year”
Oscar Wilde

Be the love generation(reggae club commercial)

please close the lid(garbage can).This picture makes me think of death.

tommorow I am going to Jerusalem to visit a friend’s brothers grave(Memorial day of fallen soldiers + independance day). I will take the canon(with BW and expired sensia) and the yashicamat with BW. Don’t know how much I’ll shoot – But I want the option.

Got a couple of CD’s(Johnie cash collection and Bob Dylan Subterrenean Homesick Blues).

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