war with lebanon

It seems like we are in war with Lebannon.Haifa and the surrounding areas are bombed several times a day and we bombard the shit out of them from the air,ertillery and the sea. Both sides have heavy civilian casualties.CNN,Fox,Sky and the russian news channel blame Israel – which I just cant grasp – we didnt start it – really.I hate it.I really do. I have friends and family in Haifa and I am scared.

yashicamat 124g is back from CLA

my Yashicamat 124g is back from a shutter overhaul at Oleg Khalyavin (http://okvintagecamera.com/) i want to try it – and will soon. I need a hood and orangered filter – it also lacks some basic parts – a fresnel screen;a battery cap -,the back element has a small scratch the front element has cleaning marks – still I love it! i wouldnt mind getting more tlr’s(even dead – I would like to try fixing one myself-I am toying with the idea of learning camera repair) – If enybody has a parts cameraparts – contact me!

Syd Barrett died 7/7/6 of diabetes at age 60.

my pentax strikes again

The next photos were taken with the pentax k-1000 with 50/2A SMC on delta 100 in tetenal 1+20(possibly yellow filter for first two?)during the trip to ceasarea and the surrounding areas and in Beer Sheba(my town).

I call them : “The male agressor”,”middeterenean hobbit”,”two out of three” and “insomniac”.

First Zorki 4+Jupiter 8 Pics and some more

Those two were taken in the middle of the night,with one diffused 60 or 80 watt bulb ,with 6 years expired delta 100 in tetenal 1+20 for 10(?) minutes with the jupiter 8 on the zorki 4 f2;1/25 handheld. The model Is my lovely girlfriend Anna.
I call them “sensual” and “morticia’s closet”

These were also taken with the zorki – on ilford delta 100 with a 2/3 stops yellow filter (except the first which is either delta 400 or ilford pan 400)all are in tetenal 1+20.

I like the zorki – i can handhold it up to 1/25 as for now – it is small and easy to focus. What I hate is the lack of precise framing – it drives me mad.I like the out of focus areas of the J-8 but dont like the way it flares and the lack of click stops,I like the focusing lever and the glow wide open.

There might be a summitar(I’ve been offered one for 75$ with a scratched back element- I am contemplating) in my future.

I will pick the Prague films(and more) when I have the time(and money – the scanning and development probably piles up to 100$)

I discovered Bob Dylans “Nashville Skyline” woooow maaaan.It kicks ass more then Highway 61!

roger waters concert

It was fabulous! I came with low expectations and was shocked by the sheer size of the concert(55-60 thousand people) the prodution and sound quality(quadro sound) and of course the music itself(selected works by waters with and without pink floyd followed by the whole dark side of the moon).

Waters still has most of his voice which is not bad for a half deaf, sixty three year old architect.

Dave Kilminster(I hope I am spelling it right) sang all the Gilmore vocals admirably, Carol Canyon(again,I hope I am spelling it right) did a terrific job performing “Great Gig In The Sky”. Snowey White did a great job as lead guitar player(and the only one who improvised) and the rest of the band was very right on.

It was well worth the 375 NIS(85$) ticket and the three hour traffic jam.

I read somewhere that in the english speaking world one in fourteen people over fifty owns a copy the dark side. I have the aniversairy vynil edition.


I seem to like taking pictures of stuff people arent generally intrested in, yet I would like to get appreceation and finance my hobby without shooting weddings. I lost online contests to worse pictures with unintresting content – naked ladies with arched backs on beaches and cuddly kittens – overphotoshoped cliche’s with vynil skin tones and no texture(digital color IS dreamy). The only picture ever winning a contest was this one:

Pentax k1000 K mount to m42 adapter,zenit extension rings,pentacon 50/1.8 at f1.8 1/125,konica minolta 200VX film and one tablelamp.

third place in Haifa Technion monthly contest- a subscription to DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY a second tier Israeli magazine with no content whatsoever.

A couple of “pictures of the day” at photosight.ru

I will continue searching for codes and second meanings in the mundane and become graduatly poorer. I cant get any decent prints and my darkroom isn’t ready yet.

new stereo – bear with me

I purchased a mint Rega Planar record player(330$);a new grado gold cartridge(145$)
and well used Infinity speakers(three element – ribbon tweeter new membranes) from the seventies(175$).

Hooked it with my sony TA-70 integrated amp and can’t stop listening to music for 3 days now.

I will get a rotel CD and some kind of old school analogue ampreciever in the foreseeable future.

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